As opposed to make-to-stock production, which is geared towards stocking finished products to meet a forecasted demand by customers, make-to-order production is driven by the receipt of a specific sales order from the customer. In make-to-order production, customized finish products are assembled using more or less predefined production processing. Make-to-order business processes cover the middle ground between the two extreme cases of production - make-to-stock and engineer-to-order.
As opposed to make-to-stock production, which is geared towards stocking finished products to meet a forecasted demand by customers, make-to-order production is driven by the receipt of a specific sales order from the customer. In make-to-order production, customized finish products are assembled using more or less predefined production processing. Make-to-order business processes cover the middle ground between the two extreme cases of production - make-to-stock and engineer-to-order.