Change is tough! Period. The number of partial or complete ERP implementation failures caused by a lack of proper strategy for change management is amazing. When organizations implement an ERP system, there is invariably resistance from almost every level in the organization. There could be a variety of reasons for this resistance including employee job security, the fear of the unknown, a general aversion to change, a lack of dynamism in the organization’s culture (the organization has never re-engineered its business processes), a lack of skills to learn new systems or ways of doing things, a lack of appreciation of the gains, personalities
Change is tough! Period. The number of partial or complete ERP implementation failures caused by a lack of proper strategy for change management is amazing. When organizations implement an ERP system, there is invariably resistance from almost every level in the organization. There could be a variety of reasons for this resistance including employee job security, the fear of the unknown, a general aversion to change, a lack of dynamism in the organization’s culture (the organization has never re-engineered its business processes), a lack of skills to learn new systems or ways of doing things, a lack of appreciation of the gains, personalities